Conséquences d'une dette

Le règlement de ToastMasters sépare le budget du district (25 % des cotisations à TMI) et le budget du club.

page 86 of District Administration Bylaw Article III (a)

However, this district shall have no liability to any third party for any debt or obligation of any club, nor shall any club have any liability to any third party for any debt or obligation of this district or any other component part of Toastmasters International.

Fable, Jean de La Fontaine,

Le Dépositaire infidèle, Livre IX, fable 1

The ToastMasters Bylaws separates the district budget (25 % of TMI fees) and the club budget.

page 86 of District Administration Bylaw Article III (a)

However, this district shall have no liability to any third party for any debt or obligation of any club, nor shall any club have any liability to any third party for any debt or obligation of this district or any other component part of Toastmasters International.

A district leader who writes that "the club has to pay a deficit," is out of this rule.

The Area A1 Council is scheduled at least 2 times by year, to manage this point.

District Leader Handbook page 36:

The area governor is the area council chair and holds at least two area council meetings each year....

Le Comité de Secteur est prévu 2 fois par an pour gérer ce point.

District Leader Handbook page 36 :

The area governor is the area council chair and holds at least two area council meetings each year..

Un gouverneur qui écrit que "le club doit payer un déficit" s'écarte du règlement.

(cliquer ici)


"Le cerf et la vigne" Livre V, fable 15