French speaking contests
Courage and Passion : The French speaking district contests
The District 59 (website) organizes French speaking contests for Europe :
Improvisations (Table topics) contest and Discours Humoristique contest at the Automn conference,
Evaluation contest and Discours International contest at the Spring conference,
French speaking Toastmasters are from any club, beyond the French speaking or bilingual clubs.
French speaking contests allow more Toastmasters to progress on the speaker track, from any club.
This page describes the steps of the contests.
Since 2011 the winner are qualified by each Area, and then by each Division.
6 speeches are requested only for the Discours International contest.
Be a member in a good standing is the only condition for other contests, including the Discours Humoristique contest.
Since 1999 most of the winners at the district contests were from clubs outside of the division A French speaking clubs.
These clubs from division B (Belgium), E (Swiss), F (Rhinland), I (Munich) and N (France and Luxembourg), may find volunteers to continue these outstanding successes.
The winners are rewarded at the Saturday gala ceremony, in front of hundreds of people.
2014/2015, du 15 au 17 mai à Porto
Register to the district conference, organized by division D (Portugal). 120 € before February 28th.
English, Portuguese and French contests are scheduled.
Ascension Thursday on May 14th, offer a long week-end easy to plan :-)
Evaluation Contest on (time to be scheduled) : any member in good standing, in Division contests, but without district final.
Discours International Contest on (time to be scheduled) : any member in good standing who has achieved 6 speeches before the club contest, qualified from Division contests.
Contest organizers
The President, VP Education, Area Governor, Division Governor ant LtGovernor Education and Training are involved in contest organization.
For a contestant, presenting his experience in French to the audience is a great opportunity.
Any club can notify one French speaking contestant for an Area contest.
The contests documents are shared with all Toastmaster members.
The French participation and winner certificate (FR510A to FR510D) are downaloadable for 0 $ in the shop of Toastmasters International website.
One contestant in a contest ?
The simplest way for a club is to have only one contestant by contest, and to notify her or him with 1182-F Notification des gagnants to its Area contests organizers.
If there is only one contestant at an Area contest, he is required to deliver his speech, improvisation or evaluation to be qualified by the Timers.
At Area contests with one contestant, only a French speaking Area Contest Chairman is required.
The Contest Chairman French documents are shared.
If there is only one contestant at a division contest, he is required to deliver his speech, improvisation or evaluation to be qualified by the Timers.
Only a French speaking division Contest Chairman is required.
The Contest Chairman French documents are shared.
Divisions participation
French speaking Toastmasters belong to various divisions (extended from 2005 to 2014) :
- division A for French-speaking clubs of Belgium, France and Luxembourg,
- division B for English-speaking clubs of Belgium,
- division N for English-speaking clubs of France and Luxembourg,
- division E for Swiss clubs, including 2 French-speaking clubs,
- division F for SW Germany (Franconie ;-) clubs, including 1 French-speaking clubs,
- division I for Munchen/Munich clubs, including 1 French-speaking clubs,